floating heart design

We’ve all seen it happen. Your best friend is newly single, and they embark on all sorts of knee-jerk strategies to quickly find a new beau.

And we see businesses do it all the time too. They run a short-term lead gen campaign to find an instant solution for a current problem.

For example, there’s the ‘I’ve been keeping myself so busy redecorating my new apartment-for-one, that now everything is done, I don’t have anything to look forward to’ problem (aka: “I’ve been so busy doing ongoing work that I took my eye off the ball – and we have nothing new in the pipeline”).

And the ‘I’ve spent all this money on expensive tickets, a designer outfit and a stretch limo but I don’t have a date!’ moment (aka: “We’re running an event, but hardly anyone has accepted our invitation, and we urgently need to round up more attendees to make all the money we invested worthwhile”).

Then there’s the all too common ‘I’ve kept myself so wrapped up in a whirlwind of work-sports-family that I haven’t made room for my old friends, let alone let anyone new in my life’ scenario (aka: “help! I’ve been so focussed on just one client that I’ve neglected my loyal clients and don’t have any prospects lined up”).

And of course, there is always the ‘hey stranger, do you know anyone who would like to go out with me on a blind date?’ challenge (aka: “I’m new in town. How do I meet new clients and establish credibility and profile?”).

A quick fix

While I am being a bit tongue-in-cheek, using a professional lead generation service is a great way to quickly get your message out there and get fast results (think of us as your speed-dating gurus). And of course, the more defined and refined the list of prospects, and the more targeted your messaging and offer, the better outcome your campaign will have. We’ll have you run off your feet with new dates in no time at all.

But we can add even more value by helping you take it that bit further. For example, over the last few years, we’ve worked with the Cerebral Palsy Society of New Zealand to help them raise engagement and sponsorship for their Steptember annual fundraiser. After the first campaign, back in 2015, we rounded up so many ‘dates’ that the project was deemed a complete success. The lead gen budget for 2016 was increased, and we used the 2015 list of prospects and clients to drive even more sponsorship revenue. By taking a more strategic view of dating, and applying contact continuity, the Society was able to revisit old suitors on good terms and happily re-engage with them.

It’s all about timing

You see, just because someone doesn’t want to date you right now, it doesn’t mean they won’t reconsider you further down the track when their circumstances change. Especially when you show that you’re interested, serious, persistent and committed – and have something attractive to offer. That sort of behaviour impresses.

A short-term lead gen campaign is a stepping stone to a long-term relationship if your contacts are nurtured, loved and talked to at regular intervals. By having a team who do nothing but help your prospects (or neglected clients) feel the love, you build a pipeline of new and exciting possibilities, rather than leave behind a trail of broken hearts and missed opportunities.