Frequently asked questions

If Hot Leads undertake CRM and admin support who owns the database and information?

Any databases provided by your company belong to you. Any additional information added tor edited within the CRM environment are also the property of our client and can be returned in spreadsheet format at any time.

Do Hot Leads provide residential or consumer calling campaigns?

Yes, we do! However, we know from experience that to be successful, campaigning to residential numbers during the evenings and weekends requires a carefully selected audience and targeted messaging. We work closely with you to ensure that your campaign stands out from the crowd.

How many telemarketing calls can be made in an hour?

The number of calls per hour varies depending on the campaign and the information required. Some calls take 1 minute, while others can take 10, based on the depth of conversation. For first-time users, we recommend a test campaign to establish call statistics, including calls, sales, and appointments versus the campaign cost.

How do I get the best response from my telemarketing campaign?

Target ‐ target ‐ target! The database standard industry codes are very specific and the locations are definitive too. Try to pinpoint your ideal target audience, then direct your message to that audience.

Do you use a generic script when calling clients or prospects? 

Our senior consultants have extensive experience across many industries and focus on meeting campaign goals through natural, intelligent conversations. We don’t use rigid scripts; instead, we take a friendly, professional Kiwi approach that avoids sounding robotic.

If required, can you follow my script/calling structure to the letter? 

Hot Leads utilises a fully customisable Contact Management System that provides users with the ability to customise their own calling scripts. For a very streamlined campaign, our administrator can create call scripts. These scripts can be built to adapt to your conversations with prospects, ensuring your consultants are prepared for any potential response or objection.  

Will my data be secure? 

Our technology undergoes regular internal and annual external network security and penetration audits, including an annual SOC 2 Type 2 security control audit, to ensure the security of our IT systems. The assessment methodology consists of structured processes based on recognised “best-in-class” practices as defined by such methodologies as the ESECOM’s Open-Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM), ISO 27001 Information Security Standard and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). High-risk items are addressed immediately, medium-risk items are addressed within a subsequent release and low-risk items are prioritised and addressed in future releases.